Analysing the effect of industrial environmental damage in Canada. Phase 1

Project scope
Data visualization Data analysis DatabasesSkills
infectious diseases amphibians rstudio cluster analysis ecosystem science endocrinologypositions available: 2
This project aims to quantify/discover environmental damage due to industrial activity in Canada. This will be achieved by combining various datasets from the Canadian government and other certified sources.
In this project, we will
- Look at environmental indicators such as infectious diseases, malformation rates, endocrine and stress responses, genotoxicity, and concentrations of heavy metals, naphthenic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons within amphibians as well as the overall ecosystems.
- Apply functional data clustering and model-based clustering algorithms.
- Show the current trajectory of these ecosystems towards recovery and regrowth.
- Collecting, cleaning, and transforming needed data
- Use RStudio to create an application to apply the needed clustering algorithm(s).
- Analyzing and comparing the results.
Phase 1 of the project will mainly work on task 1 and part of task 2.
Phase 2 of the project will finalize task 2 and finish task 3.
The student will work under the supervision of Dr. Mohamad El-Hajj.
About the company
Computer Science studies the nature and techniques of problem solving through computation. Understanding computation requires a knowledge of hardware, software, mathematics and logic. The discipline and practice includes the essentials such as psychology, philosophy, linguistics and management theories–computer science connects technology with people. Students can choose one of two streams of study in computer science. The general computer science major is flexible and allows students to create a focus that reflects your interests. The software professional concentration provides the best preparation for a career in software development.