Franklin’s ground squirrel research
Franklin’s ground squirrel is a mammal species in Alberta that is likely in decline. The student will complete data analysis on audio recordings from Autonomous Recorder Units in central Alberta to determine if this species can be detected in new regions in the province. The student will also assist with preparations for the upcoming 2024 field season focusing on detecting this species throughout the province.
Genetic Diversity in Franklin’s Ground Squirrels
The project aims to characterize mitochondrial genetic diversity in historical and contemporary individuals of Franklin’s ground squirrels. Currently this species is listed as “data deficient” in the province of Alberta, meaning that there is not enough information to determine if it is declining and in need of protections. Genetic information, coupled with other information from field surveys and community observations, can help to fill this information gap and help guide management decisions.
Franklin's Ground Squirrel DNA project Phase 2
The goal of this project is to develop genetic resources for Franklin’s ground squirrels. Franklin’s ground squirrels are a native species in Alberta. While not currently listed under the Species At Risk Act (SARA) observational evidence from naturalists indicates that this species has experienced recent declines in abundance. Working collaboration with Dr. Jessica Haines who will be leading field work to assess the current distribution of the species in the province, we will be developing a new set of genetic markers that can help estimate current genetic diversity as well as past population sizes.
BIOL 421 course development
We would like to re-design our BIOL 421 course (Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology) to improve our students' learning experience by incorporating the use of a positive control into student projects. The ability to observe positive results, even in more challenging projects, will significantly benefit students in the course, but the implementation will require the optimization of time and resources.
Caterpillar colony production and maintenance (Phase 3)
The student will produce and maintain a colony of forest tent caterpillars in the insect growth chambers in the MacEwan Department of Biological Sciences research laboratory. These colonies will be used for field and lab research, which the student may assist with.
Franklin's Ground Squirrel Research - Field research assistant (Phase 3)
Franklin's ground squirrels are a poorly-studied species in Alberta that may be at risk of extinction, and to address this we are collaborating with Nature Alberta to learn more about this species. In this project, the student will complete field surveys and will also lead outreach activities with the public. The outreach events and activities will help promote the project in order to encourage data submission from people across the province, enabling everyone to help contribute to our knowledge of this species. The student will also complete data entry remotely.
Franklin's Ground Squirrel Research - Field research assistant (Phase 2)
Franklin's ground squirrels are a poorly-studied species in Alberta that may be at risk of extinction, and to address this we are collaborating with Nature Alberta to learn more about this species. In this project, the student will complete field surveys and will also lead outreach activities with the public. The outreach events and activities will help promote the project in order to encourage data submission from people across the province, enabling everyone to help contribute to our knowledge of this species. The student will also complete data entry remotely.
Caterpillar colony production and maintenance (Phase 2)
The student will produce and maintain a colony of forest tent caterpillars in the insect growth chambers in the MacEwan Department of Biological Sciences research laboratory. These colonies will be used for field and lab research, which the student may assist with.
Franklin's Ground Squirrel DNA project
The goal of this project is to develop genetic resources for Franklin’s ground squirrels. Franklin’s ground squirrels are a native species in Alberta. While not currently listed under the Species At Risk Act (SARA) observational evidence from naturalists indicates that this species has experienced recent declines in abundance. Working collaboration with Dr. Jessica Haines who will be leading field work to assess the current distribution of the species in the province, we will be developing a new set of genetic markers that can help estimate current genetic diversity as well as past population sizes.
Phylogenic Tree Construction of Mesoamerican Orchids
Globally there has been a steady decline in biodiversity resulting from multiple factors. Some estimates suggest that upward of one million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction. The family Orchidaceae (orchids) is one of the largest families of flowering plants which are threatened by climate change, agricultural expansion, urbanization, over harvesting and other factors necessitating the implementation of conservation strategies. To implement an effective conservation approach, one must be able to unambiguously identify the species at the center of the effort. For many species of orchid this is difficult to achieve based on morphological features, necessitating alternative approaches. DNA barcoding is a molecular method for identification of individuals, ideally, to the species level. The current project involves the analysis of DNA sequences from the mat K gene from species of two Mesoamerican genra of orchids ( Masdevallia and Dracula ) to assess the utility of the mat K gene sequence as a DNA barcode to identify orchid species from these two threatened genra.
Franklin's Ground Squirrel Research - Field research assistant
This project is collecting data on Franklin’s ground squirrels, a poorly-studied species in Alberta. The student will conduct field surveys aimed at detecting this species in various locations around Alberta. They will also do data entry remotely.
Caterpillar colony production and maintenance
The student will produce and maintain a colony of forest tent caterpillars in the insect growth chambers in the MacEwan Department of Biological Sciences research laboratory. These colonies will be used for field and lab research, which the student may assist with.
Disease analysis of forest tent caterpillar eggs
Using microscopy, the student will complete a microsporidia disease analysis on ~100 forest tent caterpillar egg masses.
Biology Student User Experience for Life on the Edge Video Game Phase 2
Students will be involved as a partner in the project to gain experiential knowledge related to new features designed in the serious video game Life on Edge.
Biology Student User Experience for Life on the Edge Video Game Phase 1
Students will be involved as a partner in the project to gain experiential knowledge related to new features designed in the serious video game Life on Edge.
Field Research Logistics
The student will be using peer-reviewed literature to help plan a field project on Franklin's ground squirrels in Alberta. They will also connect with other experts in the field to help design the field logistics.
Level Up, Moth wing metrics using ImageJ
Students will use imageJ software to measure wing metrics, including wing area, asymmetry, and melanization as part of a research project.
LevelUp Genetic Diversity in Arctic Grayling
Assess the genetic diversity of Arctic grayling in the province of Alberta using mitochondrial DNA sequencing
Level Up: Animal Developmental Biology Lab Assistant
We are looking for a student to assist in making 3D printed embryo models for use in the Biology 313 lab. The lab assistant will support the delivery of lab courses in the department of Biological Sciences under the guidance of the course lab instructor. The lab assistant will develop an appreciation for time management, organization and multi tasking.
Level Up: Eukaryotic Cell Biology Lab Assistant
We are looking for two students to assist in trouble shooting in the Biology 300 lab. The lab assistant will support the delivery of lab courses in the department of Biological Sciences under the guidance of the course lab instructor. The lab assistant will develop an appreciation for time management, organization and multi tasking. They will learn advanced lab techniques and be involved in troubleshooting, primarily with Western blots. Skills will also include WHMIS and lab safety information.
Level UP: Microbiology Lab Assistant
The microbiology lab assistant will support the delivery of lab courses in the department of Biological Sciences under the guidance of the supervising lab technician. The lab assistant will develop an appreciation for time management, organization and multi tasking. They will learn good sterile technique, become familiar with solution and material preparation and sterilization as well as WHMIS and lab safety information.
Chemical Inventory Regulatory Compliance
The Government of Canada occasionally updates the list of controlled domestic substances. To ensure compliance with government regulations a review of our chemical inventory will need to be completed and compared to the list provided by the government.
Insect ecology sample and data curation
Sample and data curation for an ecological research project.
Level up - Website creation for biology research lab
Create a research lab website
Level up - Insect Ecology Research Assistant: microsporidia disease assessment
Students will assess microsporidia disease status of forest tent caterpillar larvae and adults via microscopy. Students will also enter and analyze data
Level Up, Moth wing metrics using ImageJ
Students will use imageJ software to measure wing metrics, including wing area, asymmetry, and melanization as part of a research project.