May2024 - Project Manager

YourBeat Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
CR Holmes
Academic experience
150 hours of work total
Advanced level

Project scope

Product management Communications Operations Project management Software development
business objectives marketing strategies strategic planning communication project management competitive analysis marketing planning financial modeling supply chain planning management

We are looking for students to play a role as the student team’s project manager. A student in this position will understand the logistical aspects of the a Team Project Manager position. This position is very key in our group and must be looked at seriously by all members that apply, We are willing to look at an entire team and would prefer at least 2-3 members to spread out the duties more easily, as we do have a project development that literally runs 24/7.

  • Students in this position will overlook the team’s project through a logistical lens
  • Students will help facilitate the team events, meetings and individual projects.
  • The student will play a key role in helping the CEO create a more efficient work process.

The student should be able to create the following items

  • Project Overview

The student needs to connect with the CEO and Team leads to get an overview of the entire project from each member's perspective and using all the information given write a detailed overview that looks at the project from a global perspective

  • Project Schedule

The student needs to connect will all members of the various teams to understand where each section of the project is in regards to completion and issues. With the information gathered from the communication, the Project Manager needs to create a realistic Project Schedule

  • Individual Schedule of MVPs

The student needs to connect with the teams of each MVP and communicate with them to define the current position of the MVPs and the issues each may be facing and create a realistic schedule to complete each MVP

  • Project Manager Onboarding Documentation

The student needs to connect with all memmbers of all teams to go through how the onboarding process went with them and gleam how the onboarding process could be better arranged and made easier for new members.

As a Project manager all these clearly defined steps should already be known by a project manager, but are placed here simply for the benefit of the Riipen group to see how the student could complete each of these tasks if they had zero experience in project management, however I do not expect someone with zero past experience in leadership or management positions would do well in this project.

The following assignments are prepared for partner review and feedback:

1) Statement of work (SOW) - project outline and plan

2) Current State Analysis - environmental scan, competitor analysis, company analysis, mission/vision

3) Strategic Plan - SWOT matrix, Strategic Recommendations, Business Objectives, Marketing Strategy, Revenue Model

4) Operations Plan - Marketing Plan, Supply Chain Plan, Human Resources Plan, IT Plan, CSR Plan, Financial Model Forecast, Funding Strategies, Risk Management

5) Executive Presentation


The project deliverables will include the management of each of the various teams and assisting those teams in their progress towards the end goal of the various MVPs that each team is in process of completing.

Each team consists of 1 Team Lead and 5-10 team members and each has their own individual MVP to develop and produce.

The Project Manager will provide teams with an overview of the whole project and where their individual team fits within the entire scope of the platform.

The Project Manager will provide job tasks and groups of tasks for individual sections based on urgency and need.

The project manager will create a schedule of meetings for all teams and team leads to allow team leads to focus on their individual goals more rather than the goals of the entire group.

The project manager will provide a detailed writeup for the senior staff to show where the greatest needs of the project are and how best to accommodate those needs.


Students will connect directly with us for mentorship throughout the project. We will be able to provide answers to questions such as:

Awareness of the cause

Our goals, missions, and values

Input on choices, problems or anything else the students might encounter

Write a reference letter for students

Provide 24 hour mentorship and access to phone support

Available for consult via zoom, email, and phone

Educational connections

Aid students in ways to get into graduate school

Provide life experience through the school of "hard knocks"

Provide military, government and life experience

Actively promoting their work and they will receive credit for any and all work performed

Regularly our teams have 1-2 meetings a week which create an ability for us to transfer information between multiple groups and people all working on the same project so "teamwork" can occur!! and so all know the interconnection relationships within the project. The requirement of the Riipen program is to have a minimum of 5 hours of mentorship. The only way to mentor someone appropriately, is to meet with them to do so. Therefore it is a requirement of RIIPEN to have regular meetings. As well no business will ever change their processes or management arrangements for a new employee, let alone an intern. This is common knowledge in the business world, therefore new employees and students of course must attend the company meetings to become a part of the team rather than be an individual and not working as a teammate. Anyone not working as a teammate will be removed from the team.

We are aware students have a mass of other responsibilities and we FULLY do our utmost to work around those needs to accommodate them as much as possible.

Supported causes

The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.

Decent work and economic growth

About the company

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
11 - 50 employees
Entertainment, Events services, It & computing, Media & production, Public relations & communications

We are a new music platform YourBeat, who's main focus is the artist. “The music industry starts with the artist but is not only about the artist. An infrastructure and network of people grows around an artist and furthers their career… A robust industry creates employment in all areas of music from its creation, to performance, to distribution and promotion.” – Martin Elbourne, UK music promoter” we also believe in this. As such YourBeat Inc. is uniting Artists, Fans, Vendors and Venues to create a vibrant and sustainable music community. We foster connections that fuel creativity, collaboration, and success for all involved. Together, we empower artists to cultivate 1000 true fans, while facilitating deep relationships between venues and vendors.