Houda Choukair
Raina Rudko
February 23, 2024
Team feedback
Houda has been a valuable asset to the FNCE 301 tutoring team. She has provided excellent FNCE 301 tutoring to individual and small groups of students, as well as created resource materials such as posters about academic integrity/expectations and chapter summary sheets. Houda has had a professional and ethical approach to her students and and colleagues alike. Great work, Houda!

MacEwan Level UP: December 2023 - March 2024
MacEwan Level UP

SoB - Teaching Assistant for Principles of Finance course- Winter 2024
MacEwan University: School of Business
Raina Rudko
December 10, 2023
Team feedback
Wow, what a team! Your cohesive and supportive approach to one another created a truly positive and engaging atmosphere for the students that you served. In addition, your innovations to develop additional stand alone resources such as study sheets and videos, will leave things much better than you found them at the beginning of the term! Exemplary work Houda, Christiana, Paige, and Riley. I can't wait to see what you do next term!

Level UP MacEwan Spring-Summer 2023
MacEwan Level UP

SoB - Teaching Assistant for Principles of Finance course- Fall 2023 (Phase 2)
MacEwan University: School of Business
Raina Rudko
October 20, 2023
Team feedback
The team of four tutors accomplished a great deal during phase 1, including the following:
-advertised the service by created marketing materials such as a poster and video, as well as visited most of the FNCE 301 classes in-person.
- provided expert academic guidance and direction to students dropping into the tutor room
- communicated effectively and responsively with the faculty coordinator and each other
- created a schedule to maximize availability for students seeking their services
- have started creating new resources such as videos, based on the needs of the students they have been assisting

Level UP MacEwan Spring-Summer 2023
MacEwan Level UP

SoB - Teaching Assistant for Principles of Finance course- Fall 2023 (Phase 1)
MacEwan University: School of Business
Raina Rudko
April 7, 2023
Team feedback
Thanks for all the contributions you made to the team and the assistance you provided the students. Great work!

Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP

SoB - Teaching Assistant for Principles of Finance course- Win 2023- 2
MacEwan University: School of Business