Dooshima Nenchi


Research 2 Ethernet local area network 1 New product development 1 Product lining 1 Product requirements documents 1 Search engine optimization 1 Student engagement 1 Target audience 1 User experience (ux) 1 User story 1 Wireframing 1


Latest feedback

Barkha Patel Admin
December 15, 2023
Team feedback
I had a fantastic experience working with the team through the Diverse Tech Talent Program. They were a pleasure to work with; communicating professionally and paying close attention to the details and requirements of the project. They successfully developed a product requirements document describing a project-ranking feature for learners. Moreover, they introduced new and innovative ideas, all the while considering our existing workflows. I highly recommend this team and working with this program in general.
Student engagement Wireframing Product requirements documents User story Research
Diverse Tech Talent Program
Product Management
Diverse Tech Talent Program
Product specifications document - Learner project ranking
Dooshima Nenchi
February 29, 2024
Project feedback
It was a pleasure working with Elan Healthcare Inc. throughout the ICT Ignite Skills - Digital Tech Projects program. Their clear vision and insightful feedback greatly contributed to the success of our project. Their commitment to excellence and willingness to provide guidance made the process smooth and rewarding.
ICT Ignite
ICT Ignite Skills - Digital Tech Projects
ICT Ignite
Elan Healthcare Inc
Skincare Product Line Website and Landing Pages
Elan Healthcare Inc
Dooshima Nenchi
March 2, 2024
Team feedback
I found this project experience to be incredibly rewarding. Taking on the leadership role enabled me to assume full ownership of the project while collaborating with the client, from conducting research and analysis to designing solutions. This experience also significantly enhanced my problem-solving and decision-making skills while fostering my ability to work independently.
Target audience Product lining Ethernet local area network Search engine optimization User experience (ux) Research New product development
ICT Ignite
ICT Ignite Skills - Digital Tech Projects
ICT Ignite
Elan Healthcare Inc
Skincare Product Line Website and Landing Pages
Elan Healthcare Inc

Recent projects

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Product specifications document - Learner project ranking

Develop a product requirements document describing a feature for learners to rank their preferred projects under a single experience. Our thinking with this feature is that an educator could invite learners to the experience to allow them to review all projects and identify their preferences. The educator could use these preferences to assign learners into teams and assign them to projects based on what projects they are most interested in. The goal is to provide educators with an option to give students more say in project assignment, and to improve student engagement with projects and ultimately their outcomes, as they'll be completing projects they have more interest in.

Matches 1
Category Product management + 1
Elan Healthcare Inc
Elan Healthcare Inc
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Skincare Product Line Website and Landing Pages

The main goal for the project is to create a new website for Elan Healthcare Inc's new skincare product line and to develop new landing pages to promote the products. The website should effectively showcase the new product line and provide information about the company's commitment to natural, high-quality products. The landing pages should be visually appealing and informative, encouraging visitors to explore the new skincare products.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 2
McAlpha Inc.
McAlpha Inc.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Dish Sprint AI-Enhanced Product Mock-Up and Market Research

The goal of this project is to develop a product mock-up for Dish Sprint, an innovative platform connecting home chefs with customers seeking fresh, home-cooked meals. The project will focus on integrating AI capabilities to enhance user experience, such as personalized meal recommendations and efficient delivery scheduling. Additionally, the project will involve conducting market research to identify target demographics, customer preferences, and potential competitors. By leveraging AI, Dish Sprint aims to offer a unique and personalized dining experience, setting itself apart from traditional food delivery services. The project will provide learners with an opportunity to apply their knowledge of AI, market analysis, and user interface design in a real-world context.

Matches 1
Category Product management + 4